Apple Arcade review #115: Things That Go Bump


This isn’t the first multiplayer Apple Arcade game where I’ve had trouble finding other players. I tried multiple times without a single successful match, and had to resort to playing single-player “horde” mode. How big a problem is this going to be for the service, if their multiplayer games lose the “multi”?

Things That Go Bump is Super Smash Bros. meets Robot Wars with household appliances. You play a disembodied spirit (a poltergeist of some sort, I assume) with the power to possess, and animate, various everyday items. You find a body to inhabit, add legs, eyes, a weapon — and then you battle other mechanical concoctions.

It’s cute and the art’s really nice. You can build some funny characters, but it gets dull rather quickly — especially playing on your own. If I could find multiplayer matches, maybe that would help; even better, play with others in the same room. But that’s a fantasy at this point: as it stands, there’s not much incentive to continue playing TTGB. It’s a decent idea without much substance.


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