Apple Arcade review #113: Legend of the Skyfish 2


Skyfish is an attractive and competent Zelda clone, with polished game mechanics and some lovely touches.

I’ve never played, or even heard of, the first Skyfish game, but I had no trouble getting into the story. It’s appropriately simple stuff, and Little Red Link appears to be a new sequel character.

The virtual controls are about as good as can be expected. They’re not great — it’s impossible to hit the buttons without looking at them — but they’re mostly okay. Again, and I feel I’ve written this sentence a dozen times by now, this is a game that should be played with an actual game controller…which is a shame, because the art looks good on the phone screen: bright, colourful, easy to decipher. Even the text and icons, while small, are readable.

There’s nothing groundbreaking about this charming action-RPG. We’ve seen it all before, many times, but I still found it instantly appealing, eminently playable, and (virtual sticks-and-buttons aside) quite enjoyable. If you don’t have a Nintendo device, this is not a bad way to play a lightweight Zelda game.


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